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Xarxa Natura 2000 i Life Nature
Logos Institucions Natura 2000 Ramsar Convention
on Wetlands Ajuntament de Banyoles Ajuntament de PorqueresDiputació de GironaGeneralitat de Catalunya. Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi NaturalEuropean Commission - Environment - LIFE Programme


Celebration of the World Wetlands Day
Last Sunday, February the 3rd, a guided visit to the intermittent Pond Espolla

Once again, the Consorci de l’Estany, together with the association LIMNOS and the Darder Museum, celebrated the World Wetlands Day as a commemoration of the Ramsar Convention signed in 1971 for the protection of aquatic ecosystems worldwide. This year's motto is "We are not powerless against climate change".
Taking advantage of this commemoration, every year we aim to publicize one of the various wetlands in the Pla de l'Estany region. This year, Pond Espolla (in Catalan: Estanyol de la Platja d'Espolla) was chosen.
Thus, last Sunday, February the 3rd, a guided tour of the Estanyol d'Espolla was carried out by Carles Quer, a biologist and member of LIMNOS, and Miquel Campos, technical coordinator of the Consorci de l'Estany.
Thirty people attended the visit and were able to explore the new itinerary around the Estanyol d'Espolla that was opened last summer.
During the visit, it was possible to discover its unique hydrological mechanism, which leads it to fill up every now and then with groundwater coming from the Alta Garrotxa region, as well as other peculiarities such as: the piezometer located next to the pond that measures the groundwater pressure; how the pond is managed; which are its natural values in terms of fauna and flora; and even the Paleolithic site found in the area.
The pond’s social services and the human impacts affecting it were also recalled: the shooting range, the quarry, the motocross field, the highway and the industrial park. Finally, they dedicated some moments to talking about the water springs, the amazing living-fossil Triops cancriformis and the amphibians, all of them treasures of this unique site.
The organizing entities want to emphasize that this itinerary, which currently covers only half of the pond, allows to improve the vision of the Estanyol d'Espolla and at the same time regulates the accesses and reduces the impact of visitors on the site. Also, informative panels and dioramas representing the species which inhabit the site.
They also highlight the importance of raising awareness among visitors in order to avoid inopportune behaviors such as those occurred in recent years when the lake filled up.
You can check the news on Banyoles TV at the following link

Fishes, freshwater mussels and Vertigo snails in the Feria de Sant Martirià de Banyoles

One more year The Consorci del Estany organizes an exposition to carry out an environmental sensitizing about the importance of the native fauna that lives in the lake of Banyoles and the rivers Ter, Fluvià and Muga.
Between 15,000 and 20,000 people pass through the fair thanks of the good weather of the weekend, also on Friday more than 900 schoolchildren were welcomed.
Threatened species that are the object of the LIFE Potamo Fauna project, such as naiads, native fishes and Vertigo snails, are also exposed. The Spanish Society of Malacology has dedicate the year 2016 to vertigo as the molusc of the year.

The species Vertigo moulisiana and Vertigo angustior selected as "2016 mollusk" by the Spanish Society of Malacology

This year  the campaign "A Year of Vertigo," is implemented as an action of the European project LIFE Potamo Fauna, to make them known to society

World Wetlands Day 6 and 7 February 2015

The Consortium of Lake, the environmental non-goverment organitzation LIMNOS and
Darder Museum organize various activities to celebrate World Wetlands Day; date commemorates the signing of the Ramsar Convention in 1971 to protect these ecosystems.
We send the activities scheduled for 6 and 7 February of this year with a series of talks and an visit to the Center for Reproduction of native crayfish in Olot.
We hope your assistance.

90 exotic turtles captured in the river Ter and Lake Banyoles under the LIFE Potamo Fauna project

  • In 2015 the release of native european pond turtles to the river Ter will begin. They will be bred in the Albera Tortoise Breeding Centre (CRT).

The Lake Consortium spreads the "LIFE Potamo Fauna" project in Tarragona in an internal training course

On November 26 was held in Tarragona an internal training course "Active with new programs 2014-2020" organized by the city of Tarragona.

The LIFE Potamo Fauna project present in the Feria Sant Martirià of Banyoles that brought 30,000 people

El Consorcio del Lago con la colaboración del Centro de Reproducción de Tortugas de la Albera (CRT) y Limnos estuvo presente los días 14, 15 y 16 de noviembre en la Feria de Sant Martirià y del Firestany de Banyoles para informar del proyecto LIFE Potamo Fauna y de los valores naturales del espacio natural del lago de Banyoles, y concretamente acercar especies desconocidas para la gente como son los anfibios y el galápago europeo a los visitantes de la Feria . Durante los tres días pasaron por la feria unas 30.000 personas; destacar también que el viernes visitaron la feria más de 1.000 escolares.

LIFE Potamo Fauna project public presentation

LIFE Potamo Fauna presentation-  “Conservation of river fauna of european interest in the Natura 2000 network basins of the rives¡rs Ter, Fluvià and Muga".
  • Thursday April 3 at 6 pm in the Auditorium Josep Irla of the Catalan Goverment in Girona (Square Pompeu Fabra, 1).

"Estany Project" Layman's Report is published

  • The Consortium has published the Layman's Report that describes briefly the main activities and results of the Estany Project (LIFE + Nature: Improvement of habitats and species in the Natura 2000 network Banyoles: a demonstration project).
  • The paper summarizes the impact of the project: the release of 20,000 native fish in the lake, the capture and elimination of 600 turtles and 100000 exotic fish, the release of 130 native pond turtles, the recovery of 12 hectares riparian forest or the release of nearly 500 naiads of 2 ½ years and 3 cm. length of the lake bred in a laboratory.

Hundreds of freshwater mussels for restocking of Lake Banyoles

It has been managed to breed freshwater mussels in captivity. The results of the project could be exported to other freshwater ecosystems .

The freshwater mussels are bioindicators species and most are in a critical situation of threat.

The laboratory breeding of freshwater mussels ( naiads ) of " Estany Project" has managed to breed , raised and kept in captivity until his release , hundreds of naiads of 2 ½ years old and almost 3 cm in length. This is a fact hitherto not had been achieved across the European Union. This result is part of the proceedings for the recovery of endangered species of Unio mancus and U. ravoisieri naiads within the Estany Project, conducted by the Consortium Estany with the collaboration of Dr. Rafael Araujo of the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid ( MNCN -CSIC ) . This project has been funded ( LIFE08 NAT/E/000078 ) LIFE program of the European Commission.

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